Sunday, September 2, 2012

Reclaiming the sacred roots of farming through sustainable living, in urban America

Restore, Revamp, Revitalize your communities into green dwelling spaces.
Healling Flower, a local business in Youngstown Ohio, is seeding a new idea in agriculture. Lady Buggs Farm Sustainable Project is the beginning stages of creating a Urban Farm on the South Side of Youngstown, Ohio.
General Information
Sophia L. Buggs is currently in an apprentice program with Goodness Grows located in North Lima Ohio. This program is designed to assist Sophia with agricultural educational and networking needs to grow her Lady Bugg's Farm.

Goodness Grows, 2310 W. South Range Road, North Lima, OH has launched a program in collaboration with Ohio State University Extension, South Centers of Piketon, OH. The goal is to train a new generation of skilled and cooperative farmers to profitably improve the food security status of the Mahoning Valley. Goodness Grows is the outreach of Common Ground Church Community, and has its base on the church’s 29-acre campus – the former Mellinger’s Nursery.

1 comment:

  1. Join us in celebrating growers and growing. Tiffani Armour speaks highly of you. Visit www.bronsonfamilyfarm. Community Grow Day is May 10, 2025.
